Terms and Conditions of Service

Dog Training Terms & Conditions

By checking the box on the payment screen it is understood that you agree with the terms and conditions below.
Training and Handling Methods

The training techniques used by Shape Your Dog are based on the principles of positive reinforcement and, as such, are kind, fair and reward-based. Flexi leads (extending leads) are not permitted in training sessions in order to avoid injury. Fixed leads must be used. Harsh handling of dogs, physical force and the use of punitive methods/ punishment/ corrections or equipment designed to be aversive (including choke chains, check chains, prong collars, spray collars, e-collars or any other device deemed unacceptable by the trainer) are not permitted in training sessions and should not be used in training your dog.

Payment, Refunds and Cancellations

All courses, packages and one to one sessions must be paid for in advance of the booked time/ date. If you would like to re-arrange a session, I am happy to offer a new booking to you providing I have been given at least 24 hours’ notice and that you select a new date for your session within 48 hours.

With less than 24 hours’ notice, there will be no refunds or re-arranged sessions, except in exceptional circumstances, in which case any rearrangement will be made at the sole discretion of Shape Your Dog. Each Puppy course must be completed within a 12-week period.

In the event that I have to cancel a session with you, due to adverse weather, illness or emergency, I will make every effort to reschedule your session to another mutually convenient time. If this is not possible, I will refund you for the cost of that particular session.


Any instances of accident or injury must be reported to the trainer at the time they occurred. All dogs must be kept safe and it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure the safety of their dog and others (other animals and people) with regard to your dog’s behaviour at all times. For home visits, please arrange for your dog to be in another safe room (without access to the front door) when I arrive. I will advise you as to when (and how) it would be most appropriate to bring the dog into the room to be introduced to me. If you feel that this arrangement is not suitable for your dog for any reason, please just get in touch and I can discuss the best option for you and your dog.


Shape Your Dog has one parking space on the driveway. If I am visiting your home, please make a parking place available if possible. If not, and there is on-street parking which requires a visitor permit, please have a visitor permit ready for my use when I arrive. If parking at your home (or other venue at which we have arranged to meet) requires payment, please could you kindly make arrangements for this.


Children are very welcome to attend puppy training sessions, with appropriate adult supervision. I accept no responsibility for children at training sessions and it is the responsibility of the supervising adult to ensure the children’s safety at all times. Young people under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Health and Vaccination

It is the owner’s responsibility to suitably protect their dog/puppy from the potential risk of disease. There can be no guarantee that there is absolutely no risk of disease at any venue or when in contact with any other dogs or materials, such as toys, which may have been in contact with other dogs. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that their dog is appropriately protected against the risk of disease: Shape Your Dog accepts no responsibility for the potential or actual exposure of dogs to disease. If an owner chooses not to routinely vaccinate or worm their dog or puppy (for example because they are choosing titre testing or using homeopathic methods), this is entirely the choice of the owner and is a decision made at their own risk.

Please advise me in advance of the session if your dog has been in contact with another dog infected by a contagious disease or if they appear to be unwell (eg. vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, runny nose etc). Depending on the issue, it may be advisable for the session to be cancelled or re-arranged (see Refunds and Cancellations). If your dog has any known allergies or intolerances to certain foods or has any injuries or special needs, it is your responsibility to bring this to the attention of the trainer prior to the start of the session, and provide appropriate treats etc.

Marketing/ Privacy

Photographs and videos may occasionally be taken during training sessions. Such media may be used by Shape Your Dog for the purposes of marketing. If you do not wish for photographs of you and/or your dog to be used or shared, please let us know. Any verbal or written feedback (eg. by email or on feedback forms) may be used for marketing purposes (for example, posted on Facebook). Only the first name of the dog/puppy will be used as identification. If you are not happy for us to use your feedback in this way, please let us know. Photography and videography of sessions or parts of sessions is NOT permitted, without the express permission of Shape Your Dog.


I make every effort to ensure the safety of both clients and dogs during training sessions., however, by making a booking with us, you are accepting that participating in an activity with dogs, children and adults poses a risk of injury to yourself and your dog, and you agree to indemnify Shape Your Dog for all personal injury and damage to property while attending training sessions. You agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of your dog attending such sessions. You also agree to make any person who accompanies you to the session(s), or takes your place, aware that they are also there at their own risk. The owner accepts that training may be affected by various factors such as weather, noise, mood of the dog or owner and that every effort will be made by the trainer to employ professional and ethical training methods to achieve the goals of the training. You therefore, agree to follow the advice of the trainer in order to achieve these goals.


You understand and accept that your dog (and its behaviour) remains entirely your responsibility at all times, whether or not in the presence of the trainer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions

How can Shape Your Dog help with separation anxiety?

We offer tailored training packages to address separation anxiety in dogs, both online and in person.

What training methods do you use?

We use fun and ethical training methods to shape your dog's behaviour positively.

Can you help with reactivity and lead frustration?

Yes, we offer specialised training packages to address reactivity and lead frustration in dogs.

Do you offer online training sessions?

Yes, we provide online training sessions for your convenience.

How can I book a training session?

You can easily book a session by contacting us through our website or social media channels.

What sets Shape Your Dog apart from other dog trainers?

Our personalised approach, industry-accredited qualifications, and commitment to ongoing professional development make us stand out in the field of dog training.

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07990 532774

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