⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Over 50 five-star reviews from happy dog owners

Transform Your Dog's Behaviour with Personalised Training

  • Flexible training at home and online

  • Tailored to your dog's needs

  • Complete focus from Gareth

  • Reduces stress for your dog

  • Ongoing support

Our Credentials

1:1 Dog Training Services

Tailored Behaviour Solutions for Your Dog

Experience the benefits of personalised, one-on-one dog training sessions with Gareth. Our approach focuses on understanding and addressing your dog's specific behavioural issues.

Aggression/reactivity towards other dogs

Identify triggers and improve response to build confidence and reduce behaviour.

Aggression/reactivity towards people

Address triggers and improve response to reduce overwhelm and stress.

Excessive Barking

Reduce stimulation and manage excitement or arousal levels.

Pulling on the Lead

Make walking more enjoyable with strategies to prevent lead pulling.

Jumping Up

Reinforce staying down and manage the cause of jumping.

Recall Issues

Improve recall with environmental cues and encouragement techniques.

Phobias such as Loud Noises

Use counter conditioning to reduce overwhelm.

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About Our Dog Training

Meet Your Trainer and Discover Our Approach

Gareth, the founder of Forever Home Dog Training, offers personalised, force-free training to help dogs and their owners lead harmonious lives.

Dog owners often face challenges with behaviour that can cause stress and frustration. Issues such as reactivity, excessive barking, and lead pulling can make daily walks and interactions difficult. Without proper training, these problems can escalate, affecting both the dog and owner's quality of life. However, with the right guidance, these issues can be addressed effectively. Our training program helps build a stronger bond between you and your dog, enhancing your relationship and improving behaviour.

Imagine a life where your dog walks calmly by your side, responds promptly to your calls, and behaves well in social situations. With our tailored training, this transformation is possible. Our approach focuses on understanding the unique needs of your dog and developing strategies that work for both of you. By using evidence-based, humane techniques, we help you achieve those "aha" moments where training clicks, and you see real progress. Book a free discovery call today to start your journey towards a happier, well-behaved dog.

How Our Training Works

Effective, Personalised Training Steps

Initial Consultation
We begin with an initial phone or zoom call to discuss your dog's behaviour and determine the best approach for their training.

Personalised Training Plan
A comprehensive behavioural assessment helps us create a customised training plan tailored to your dog's specific needs.

Ongoing Support
Receive regular check-ins and support through phone calls, emails, and zoom to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

What Our Clients Say

Transform Your Dog's Behaviour Today

Join the many satisfied dog owners who have improved their dog's behaviour and strengthened their bond. Schedule a free assessment call to get started on your personalised training plan.

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Phone: 07444 593483

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Phone: 07444 593483

Email us using the form below or the chat widget in the bottom right corner

(c) Forever Home Dog Training Ltd. 2024

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